'Serendipitous' is a word whose meaning involves both the aspects you mention, and as this is, off the top of my head, quite unusual, excepting compound words, it is unlikely that a word carrying both opposite aspects exists.
Video shows what serendipitous means. By serendipity; by unexpected good fortune.. Good, beneficial, favorable, etc Serendipitous Meaning. How to pronounc
The adjective form is serendipitous, and the adverb is serendipitously. A serendipitist is "one who finds valuable or agreeable things not sought for." serendipitous. See definition of serendipitous on Dictionary.com. as in lucky.
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At 25 and penniless, having the wish to start my business without any cash was next to impossible. But a serendipitous moment in a Yahoo business chatroom brought me to my 21st century “EUREKA”! Believe it or not, but an online stripper had given me the idea that any skill/idea/talent can be sold as a product. serendipity: 1 n good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries Type of: fluke , good fortune , good luck a stroke of luck Origin and meaning of serendipitous: 1914; see serendipity + -ous. Related: Serendipitously. Entries related to serendipitous-ous; serendipity; Others are reading Definition of serendipitous in the Definitions.net dictionary.
coincidence. fluke. Explore Thesaurus .
'Serendipitous' is a word whose meaning involves both the aspects you mention, and as this is, off the top of my head, quite unusual, excepting compound words, it is unlikely that a word carrying both opposite aspects exists. This property is not polysemy,
'Serendipitous' is a word whose meaning involves both the aspects you mention, and as this is, off the top of my head, quite unusual, excepting compound words, it is unlikely that a word carrying both opposite aspects exists. serendipitous meaning in Maďarčina » DictZone Angličtina-Maďarčina slovník.
How to say serendipitous in English? Pronunciation of serendipitous with 2 audio pronunciations, 1 synonym, 11 translations and more for serendipitous.
It is wide-reaching and can be defined as a force that brings good fortune or adversity, meaning there is good luck and there is bad.
The adjective form is serendipitous, and the adverb is serendipitously. A serendipitist is "one who finds valuable or agreeable things not sought for."
Svensk översättning av 'serendipitous' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online. ser·en·dip·i·ty (sĕr′ən-dĭp′ĭ-tē) n. pl.
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The weather was serendipitous for our vacation. Sudoku. 1. 2.